Capital Stormwater Projects
Stormwater & Environmental Projects
We have the expertise to study large watersheds or localized drainage areas to find the stormwater control measure that fits your site and meets regulatory compliance. We have designed and managed hundreds of stormwater projects across the Carolinas ranging in construction cost from $1k to $30 million.
Managed over 100 major and minor capital stormwater projects up that involved overseeing planning, design and construction within the urban environment of Charlotte, NC. Collaborative projects included transportation and utility improvements/relocations as well as easement acquisitions and developer agreements.
Water Quality Projects
Managed over 10 projects aimed at improving surface water quality for the City of Charlotte. These included stream restorations, pond dredgings, dam rehabs, and maintenance of existing ponds to bring them into compliance.
Watershed studies and Stormwater master plans
Almost every project requires stormwater controls or measures. Our team has experience planning and phasing stormwater controls and conveyances. We have designed every type of approved stormwater control measure (SCM) in the state approved manuals, so we know what type of SCM is right for your site.